Helping Authors to Get their Writing
'Publisher Perfect'
Written in Norfolk
Launching New Norfolk Authors
You're a Norfolk author? You belong in a long line of local talent. One of Norfolk's earliest authors was Margery Kempe of Lynn, who lived an outrageous life in the 15th century and tells us about it in her Book.
I'm a Norfolk lad myself, and though I work with publishers and authors around the world I’m especially keen to promote Norfolk talent. (As well as writing my own books I've published a modern edition of Margery Kempe's. I also lend a helping hand to Norfolk's 'Dreamstone' theatre group, seen here in Cromer.)

If you're a Norfolk author - whether of fact or fiction, for children or adults - I can offer you
Advice on concept, shaping and style
Copy editing once manuscripts are well advanced
Proofreading (checking every last detail before publication).
In line with our own successes, my novelist son Robin Triggs helps with novels while I help with children's and factual books.
Our eagle eyes don't just see slips (though that's important). They also spot your best ideas - the ones that can win a publishing contract like they did for the Norfolk author shown here!

We offer you the same tailored help. Make contact via the form below - or email if you'd like to attach some precious work.