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Copy Editing and Proofreading

I've had advisory and consultant editing roles with publishers at home and abroad. Based on my wide experience, I'm happy to offer you

Expert advice in the fields covered by my own publications

Help and guidance for authors at work on manuscripts

Copy editing, to make books print-ready

Proofreading - that final check on every last detail.

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Details do matter! An embarrassed publisher had to destroy thousands of copies of a new book after confusing 'putrefy' and 'purify.' A proofreader would have saved the day!

I advise, proofread and copy edit in the areas where I am widely published - mainly children's and educational books (as featured here). My novelist son Robin Triggs, author of Night Shift and Human Resources, is the fiction expert.

We're old enough to remember paper but normally work with digital copy, proposing changes in a clear-cut way that leaves the author in charge. 

In the following example 'His eyes threatened reprisals' is powerful stuff and the comment suggests how the author could build on it! It's all about turning good into better and boosting the manuscript's merits and saleability.  

A page of manuscript with advice added by a copy editor/proofreader

We work as quickly as care allows

and welcome all queries.

Tony D Triggs

Please complete the form below or, to add an attachment, email .

Cartoon showing proofreader pointing out spelling mistakes

How can we help?

© 2025 by Tony D Triggs, editing, proofreading, manuscript review and home education

NR28 0PU, Norfolk, UK

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